GiffGaff is currently the best pay as you go mobile phone network around, with their cracking deals they have on offer, that give you lots of minutes, texts and unlimited internet for so little, compared to other pricey networks, you can't really complain with the service they provide. They also run their network on o2, so getting a good and reliable signal is never a problem.If you have been on there official GiffGaff website and have had a look at there goodbag offers you will notice that their is a £5 goodybag listed and you might be considering...
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Can Ixtreme Firmware Play Original Xbox 1 Games on Xbox 360?
Posted on 05:33 by Unknown

The original Xbox console had many classic games that were released for it, games that are still unforgettable today. Games like Grand Theft Auto Vice City, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, Need For Speed Underground 2 and Burnout Revenge that are still fun to play today. So Microsoft decided to make the best Xbox 1 old games, which were 279 games, compatible with the Xbox 360 when they released the console. Then Microsoft increased the amount of Xbox...
Thursday, 1 November 2012
How To Mod Sony MDR-XB700 Headphones, More Sub Bass, Clarity & Soundstage
Posted on 09:29 by Unknown

If you own a pair of Extra Bass series basshead headphones from Sony and want more low frequency subwoofer bass, more clarity and better soundstage, then you can do a modification to the drivers. The modification involves you to remove the white thin paper that is placed behind the headphones drivers. Once removed, it allows the diaphragm to move more freely and operate more efficiently, providing lots of benefits in better sound quality.The modification...
Monday, 29 October 2012
What Does PSP Pandora Battery Do & Why You Need It For CFW?
Posted on 10:38 by Unknown

What is a PSP Pandora battery and what does it do?A pandora battery is required, if you are going to install custom firmware onto a psp console that is a newer model than the psp 1000, or is on the latest official firmware version from Sony, that you prevents you to install CFW, just by using only a magic memory stick. A pandora battery allows the psp console, when inserted into the rear of the console, to be able to boot into service mode....
What is Custom Firmware, (CFW) For Sony PSP Console? - Yahoo answers?
Posted on 10:28 by Unknown

What does custom firmware for psp do?Custom firmware allows your psp console to allow you to do more things, things that you can't do with a psp console that has official firmware loaded onto it. Custom firmware allows you to play back up games from a memory stick, run homebrew applications and games, play retro games from a emulator, allows you to increase the clock speed of the CPU, gives more screen display brightness settings, a recovery...
Monday, 10 September 2012
How To Do Adjustment to Forza 4 & 3 In Car Cockpit Inside View - adjust how close and far you wan't to be behind the car
Posted on 12:53 by Unknown
The Forza motorsport series for the Xbox 360 games console brings racing simulation onto your television and using the cockpit view camera, you can see yourself drive the car, see the inside interior, just like in real life. Giving you the best possible realistic driving feeling, close to real life, making you think that you are actually driving a car. If you see that the car's cockpit is to close...
What Is That PS1, PSONE, PlayStation Game With a Purple Devil?
Posted on 07:09 by Unknown

If you are wondering which game you were playing, that is a 3D platform game, that has a purple devil as the main character, when you used your ps1 console back in the day for gaming, i have the answer for you. You have probably forgotten what it is called because of it being a long time playing with your psone games console and you do all your gaming on the new generation consoles.Well the game is called 'Jersey Devil' that was created in Canada,...
Saturday, 8 September 2012
How To Fix PS2 Wireless DVD Remote Control Thats Not Working
Posted on 06:26 by Unknown

If you have bought a Sony ps2 DVD remote control to use with your ps2 console to control the DVD playback from the comfort of your own chair and you have setup it up, following the printed out instructions that are provided with the item and it's not working, then it can be frustrating when facing this problem. Today, i was trying to use my old ps2 fat style model, which i found while clearing out my loft and thought instead of it sitting in dust,...
Friday, 7 September 2012
Can a PlayStation 2, PS2 Console Play Burned Movie DVDs?
Posted on 06:31 by Unknown

The PlayStation 2 gaming console, also known as the ps2, is still a great gaming machine for some, even though the ps3 is out, because of its cheap price and its classic games, like Grand Theft Auto San Andreas and Need For Speed Underground, games that you can't forget and won't get bored of. If you don't have a regular DVD player to play movies you have burned on blank DVD discs you made at home, then thankfully Sony added compatibility to both...
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Why Does a CPU Computer Fan have 3 Wires Pin Connector?
Posted on 10:25 by Unknown

If you hooked computer cooling fans to computers in the past, you have probably come across the well know DC 12 volts type of fans. The type of computer fan that has two wires, a red wire, the positive and the black wire, the negative, which you hook to a 12 volt source and the fan blades, will spin, such as a molex connector, from a computer PSU unit. This type of fan are idea for computer cases, as the 12 volts provided to the fans are highly recommend...
How To Mod a Computer Case Cooling Fan to 7 Volts, Instead of 12 Volts, To Make It Quieter & Less Noisy
Posted on 08:01 by Unknown

If you want to achieve a quieter desktop computer and you can't control the speed of the fan manually through software, such as 'Speedfan', then as an alternative method, you can reduce the voltage the fan gets to 7 volts, instead of 12 volts. This will make the computer fan permanently spin slower, therefore it will create less fan noise. This mod is safe to do, plus it is better than the 5 volt mod because at 5 volts the fan spins really slow,...
How To Fix Sound Crackling Headphones
Posted on 05:47 by Unknown

If you experience crackling, when you are using your pair of headphones to listen to music using your ipod, it can't totally destroy your listening experience, especially if you are an audiophile. The crackling noise is high likely to be heard because of hairs trapped inside the headphone speaker drivers. When the speaker cone moves, the hair will vibrate on the cone and will create a crackling sound to be heard. So what you need to do is to...
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Can You Change Disable Road Tax To Normal, By Post Office?
Posted on 06:22 by Unknown

If you have bought a vehicle that had a previous owner that was disabled, then they will have a disable road registered on the log book. This is so they can benefit from paying less money for the tax, than we do. If you have bought a car and the owner is disable, if the disabled owner is going to use their disable tax disc on a another car in their name, then they will have the right to remove it from your car. Even if you keep it, you still can't...
Friday, 31 August 2012
How to Access PSP Vita Secrete Recovery Mode, No Custom Firmware Needed
Posted on 08:02 by Unknown

Hackers created a easily accessible recovery menu for hacked custom firmware for the original psp models, as the official firmware that were released never had that feature. This is because it allowed to many things that it can't do with Sony's limited features and functions in their official firmware, such as playing backups off the memory stick, using the recover menu to power off the psp, without using the flick switch on the right side and allow...
How To Fix a PSP Vita That Won't Turn On Or Power On
Posted on 07:54 by Unknown

The psp vita is a new handheld gaming console and because of that, it currently has many firmware related faults that Sony is working on to fix in the future updates. One of the most common fault for psp vita owners, like myself, noticed that randomly the console won't power on after you use the console. I have played Wipeout on it today and switched it off, went to continue playing the game, but it failed to power on. I kept on pressing the power...
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Best Ways On How To Remove Scratches From PS3 Outer Casing On Console
Posted on 05:40 by Unknown
How To Permanently Delete Xbox 360 Game Updates & Patches Off Your Xbox 360
Posted on 05:32 by Unknown
How To Delete Your Xbox 360 Games History Off Your Console
Posted on 05:30 by Unknown

Can i delete game history from my Xbox 360?If you have played loads of games on your Xbox 360 console, every game you play will be linked to your Xbox live account and will be stored on your gamertag on your games console. If for some reason you don't want them to no longer be in your games history list, then you will need to delete them off your profile. But remember that you can only delete games that have no achievements unlocked or have...
Wednesday, 1 August 2012
How To Delete Xbox Live Account Profile Permanently Off a Xbox 360 console
Posted on 11:18 by Unknown

If you have created an Xbox live profile, also knows as a account on your Xbox 360 console, it will be stored on the hard drive, usb drive, or memory unit that is attached to the console. The Xbox live profile will contain your gamertag, Xbox live membership, Microsoft points, friends you have and your progress made in games you have played on the games console. If you want the delete your Xbox live account off your Xbox 360 console because you are...
How To Remove & Get Tippex Out Of Your Carpet In No Time
Posted on 08:57 by Unknown

Tippex is a correction fluid product that is used to remove spelling errors on paper, the chemicals inside the actual liquid inside that little bottle are very very strong, strong enough to ruin your carpet, if it gets accidentally split onto it. But once it has split onto the carpet, it's done and most of you out there are probably thinking it is irreversible. You have probably attempted to remove it by using water on a cloth and scrubbing it hard...
How To Remove Double Sided Tape From Cars Interior Dashboard, The Best Way Without Damaging the Plastic
Posted on 06:13 by Unknown
best ...
How To Unlock a Nokia 6300 Phone To All Networks For Free
Posted on 05:54 by Unknown

If you have a Nokia 6300 and it is network branded, which means the network operator has locked it to their network only and has there branding on the mobile phone housing and on the firmware, you can't use a different network sim card in the mobile phone. This makes its frustrating because the sim card that you want to use might have better deals going on, so the only way around this is to unlock the Nokia 6300 using a unlock code from a generator/calculator...
Do You Need a TV License For Watching SKY Digital Satellite?
Posted on 03:48 by Unknown

Many are aware, if you want to watch Freeview channels on your television, you will require a TV license to operate the equipment. If you are wanting to know what Freeview actually is, its a non subscription service in the UK, that provides over 40 digital channels through your standard terrestrial aerial. But the question today is, do you need a TV license if you are going to watch channels provided by a Sky digital set top box on your television?Well...
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Saturday, 21 July 2012
How to Insert a 3G Sim card into 3G PSP Vita Sim Card Slot
Posted on 05:34 by Unknown

If you have an psp vita that has wifi and 3g compatibility, then you can access the internet content on the gaming system using a 3g sim card, which has a data plan or tariff added onto it. Depending on the network you are using, the cost of plans are fairly cheap, but prices do tend to increase if you are wanting lots of internet usage data. This makes it convenient for your psp vita to access internet content, when a wifi access point is not available...
Thursday, 19 July 2012
How To Make a Homemade Fuse Tester / How To Test a Electrical Fuse Without Using a Multimeter
Posted on 06:36 by Unknown
If a electrical item you have doesn't work, its very likely that the fuse inside the appliance that protects the circuit, is blown out. If you don't have the proper testing equipment, like a multimeter or a test screwdriver, to test the fuse if its working or not, then as a alternative method, you can create your own homemade device to check fuses. The device that you can make is basically an simply bulb circuit, instead of placing an inline switch in the circuit, you will have two wires that you attach to each end of the fuse. If the bulb lights...
Saturday, 14 July 2012
Solutions On How To Prevent & Stop Dropped Calls On iphone 4 For 2012
Posted on 11:10 by Unknown
If you are using your iphone 4 on an daily basis to make calls to friends, family and work collegues, you will properly likely to experience call dropping and getting disconnected every so often when using the device to make a call. Your properly puzzled why the calls keep getting dropped and so was i. This was a very annoying problem because callers on the other end will eventually get annoyed at your phone calls, as they keep dropping. There are a couple of reasons, as well as solutions to solve the problem, based on why the signal problem happens...
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Best Way On How To Clean a Sat Nav Screen Without Scraching It
Posted on 13:25 by Unknown

If you use your sat nav on a daily basis to get to places, it is very likely that the screen display is going to become dirty and will contain greasy finger prints and dust on it after sometime. This can make the screen look dirty, when you use the device in direct sunlight in your car, this can make the overall appearance of its condition look untidy and not brand new. So giving the sat nav screen a quick wipe can restore it back to...
How To Fix a TomTom That Can't Find Valid GPS Satellites Signal
Posted on 04:14 by Unknown

A TomTom is an ideal device for you, if you want to find a place, without having to find it the old fashion way using a black and white map. However electronics devices are always known to cause problems when you need them, which applies to a TomTom sat nav. Usually, TomTom sat navs are always reliable, as it's a common well known brand that has great reviews and an good reputation from Halfords. However, sometimes the TomTom can't find a valid gps...
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
How To Fix ps3/wii Vga cable Washed Out Colors Problem Special Modifications
Posted on 15:13 by Unknown

I have an spare PC Monitor and my television that i use on an daily basis for my gaming, which unfortunately is no longer working, so i had to send it back to the shop for an repair. In the mean time, i had to do with what i had, i had my ps3 320GB slim and a spare PC monitor. So i thought there must be a way to connect the ps3 to the PC monitor using VGA, like you can do with the Xbox 360 and turn my old dusty 22 inch widescreen LCD monitor into...
How To Prevent a CB Kicker Linear Amplifier From Overheating
Posted on 14:51 by Unknown

Most CB Radio uses use an linear amplifier, which is also know an a burner, to boost the amount of power that is been transmitted through there antenna, to increase the transmitting distance, so people that are on the CB radio that are really far away can hear them better, as the standard dead key of 4 watts is not enough for certain situations. However, continues use of using a CB linear amplifier for long periods of time can cause the electrical...
How To Properly Ground a CB Mobile Magnetic Antenna Indoors For Home Use
Posted on 14:25 by Unknown

If you using a CB radio in your home and you have connected a magmount mobile antenna to it, that is meant to be used for a truck or car, using it to operate your radio, you will need to have an excellent ground to ensure that you are getting out properly and to reduce the amount of power the antenna is reflecting back into the radio, also known as an high swr reading, which is usually above 1.5. A high swr reading can lead to burning the output...
How To Fix Xbox 360 VGA Washed Out Colours Looks On PC Monitor
Posted on 11:09 by Unknown

If you have an spare PC monitor laying around your house and have an Xbox 360 console and would like to watch movies and play games in high definition quality and don't have the money to buy a large HD ready plasma screen television, you can use your PC monitor to display HD content from the console. This is by creating or buying a VGA cable for the console to connect it to the male VGA on the rear of the PC monitor. Using this method is not the...
How To Do Fiio e5 Battery Replacement Change Yourself
Posted on 07:35 by Unknown

If you have an fiio e5 portable headphone amplifier and you notice that the battery life doesn't last as long, as it states in the user manual or reviews and drains within in a couple of minutes operating the device at full volume levels, it is very likely that the battery that is inside it has become faulty overtime. This can occur if you have used an charger that has the wrong amount of voltage to charge the battery up or it could be because of...
Does an Aftermarket Air Induction kit Affect Insurance Quote Cost & Invalid Policy?
Posted on 05:54 by Unknown
Most people that want to mod the engine inside their vehicle want to replace the stock induction system with an aftermarket k&n air induction filter kit, so the engine can sound more louder and aggressive, when you rev the car. Also sometimes it can also make the car engine gain an horse power performance increase, which will make your car feel faster too and also improve mpg fuel consumption, saving you money on petrol. However, if you are planning...
Tuesday, 10 July 2012
Can Dual Layer DVD Discs Play In all Regular DVD Players?
Posted on 05:03 by Unknown

A dual layer disc is just like an regular DVD disc that is used to play movies and store data, its the same shape and size, however an dual layer disc has an extra layer on it, so in total it allows up to 8.5GB of data to be burned onto the disc, so it can store more data, if compared to an normal DVD disc, which has an maximum data capacity of 4.7GB used for data storage. Due to a dual layer disc having more potential of storing more data, they...
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